The new president of
Afghanistan, the 2nd elected in rigged elections, is in Washington
to see Obama, and urge the US to keep not the 10-20,000 troops we have
committed to (for security and training purposes) but to raise the number to
His reasons will probably be
that his country can not fend off the Taliban without much more help.
We should say NO to this, and
quickly…but don’t hold your breath with this Congress.
One, we should never have
gone into Afghanistan in the first place. Remember the lies the Bush
administration told us about WMD that got us into Iraq? More lies were
told to get us into Afghanistan...that the Taliban were in cahoots with Al-Qaida
and also responsible for 9/11. It wasn’t true. The two groups had different
religious views and political goals at the time, and the Taliban was NOT
involved in 9/11. (Later the two grew closer because of opposition to US troops
in Afghanistan.)
Two, we spent billions
there...wasted more billions according to our government’s own reports..then
“abandoned in place” additional billions of equipment the Afghans could have
used…are we to repeat this again? That money could have been spent on roads and
schools and better water, etc in this country.
Three, that country is
corrupt in a way we will never understand here...not even in Kentucky’s most
corrupt counties. Tribal leaders, local warlords control much of the country,
each exacting tribute (kickbacks) even as public officials do the same. You pay
to get even the slightest matter done. Shall we keep encouraging this?
Four, its relations with its
two powerful neighbors, Iran (!) and Pakistan, will almost surely continued to
be more important to it than its relations with the US..and more long range,
often contrary to our matter what their President says.
Five, it is the world’s
largest source of heroin and that will continue. Indeed, GI's had to look the
other way as they passed field after field of poppies, knowing the result might
well be that, back in the States, the drugs produced in Afghanistan, would take
the lives of members of their own families. What a moral morass! There is no
need for the US to continue to support it.
These are but a few of the
argument, as I see it, for NOT increasing our troops there. If you are so
inclined, let your views be known to Congressman Andy Barr and our two
I'm just sayin'...