And it isn't just Trump, but also Biden---Joe and Hunter, his son.
The President's handling of this matter is bad enough, but it crosses party lines, IMHO
The President may, or may not, have been coercing the
new Ukranian president and withholding military aid to work on
corruption there. That's open to debate...BUT..when he asked for help in
digging up possible dirt on his possible opponent
next year, and then repeated the offer to China days later, that
violates an old, important federal law, and Mr. Trump had to know it.
The poor lady who heads the Federal Election
Commission has so stated every time he has done so, and these two
examples aren't the first ones, just the latest. I would hope no
American of any party wants foreign interference in our elections,
and for Mr. Trump to seek such help actively really is beyond the pale
of our politics as well as illegal on the face.
Whether that is sufficient for impeachment, we will see. But it IS a case of his violating our laws, by commission. As to former Vice-President Biden, he does not come off looking so well either, by omission.
2 conservative sources have reported his son, Hunter,
received a monthly salary of $50K to sit on the board of a Ukrainian
natural gas firm, itself the subject of some corruption probes. (Nothing
proven yet) That alleged salary has not been
verified. The Washington Post, in a wide ranging story could not verify
those reports. But, if they are true, that's just incredible. $50K a
year, to someone not known to have any expertise in the energy field
would be bad enough. What little the son has said
so far about why he is a board member and what he does for whatever
salary he is paid have been very far from satisfactory. And now
President Trump says the son, and maybe dad, has been involved in some
type of business dealings in China, maybe worth a billion
or so. All this not substantiated either.
BUT, Mr. Biden knows better. He should never have
allowed his son to be involved in a country where he was the point man
for President Obama in some important policy matter, and the same is
true for China, where the possibility of a major
conflict of interest for the present Trump administration (or even a
possible eventual Biden administration) looms large. He knows that and
he should never have permitted it.
But now it has come out, in many murky details.
Candidate Biden should clear the air and tell the American people, in
full detail, whatever his son has done in the Ukraine and whatever he
and son may be doing in China. For a supposedly astute
politician, he has handled this as stupidly as can be.
I'm just sayin'...