theater in Aurora.
island in Norway.
high school called Columbine.
street corner in Tucson.
campus in Virginia.
mall in Toronto, a post office in California, a cafeteria in Texas, a
schoolyard in Alabama, even the House of Representatives in Washington, and on
and on and on....
where people, deranged and sane, have used firearms to kill others for
reasons real and imaginary, political and personal, or for no reason at all.
yet we--our American Society--allow it to go on happening, without a single
step to try to stop this insane carnage. Congress won't do it (witness all that
happened after Gabby was shot..nothing.) Frankfort won't do it..unless we
citizens insist..loudly and continually.
NRA has won. Public opinion which once favored some type of gun control is now
narrowly against them. The NRA keeps buying more and more public officials as
it continues its illogical stance.."Guns don't kill people; people kill
people." Holy Merde, Batman!
with guns kill people. It takes both, and society must work on both parts of
the equation..but it's definitely easier to work on the guns. Once upon a
time it was illegal for private citizens to own machine guns..even assault
rifles were once controlled--until the law expired, and a new, more
conservative GOP-controlled Congress refused an extension. The assault rifles
of today are the machine guns of yesterday.
I do
not want to outlaw handguns or rifles. Neither do I want to see
"sportsmen" using AK-47s to shoot squirrels. There is a middle
ground. For one, eliminate the loophole that allows gun shows to avoid
background checks. (some states require this and Kentucky can, too.) And
assault weapons and extended clips can be banned or at least rigorously
controlled. Some form of registration for some weapons is needed.
it won't happen unless a lot of us let our public officials know that we
don't want another Aurora--which could just as easily happen at a multiplex
tweet your social media friends how you feel, write your representatives in
Frankfort and Washington that it doesn't have to be the NRA-way or no-way. Guns
can be regulated within the Second Amendment, even under the Supreme Court's
historically inaccurate understanding of it.
first we must all get mad --and stay mad--at allowing the present situation to
continue, which guarantees there will be more Auroras. Be like the Dark Knight
of Network news anchors, Howard Beale...get up from your chairs, go to the
window, open it, stick your head out and yell.."I'm as mad as hell and I'm
not going to take this anymore!"
I'm just sayin'...
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