1. Gov. Bevin has
come up with $500,000 dollars and hired one of America’s most Republican
law firms (though as all good firms do, they contribute to both parties)
to probe possible law violations in Democratic Gov. Beshear’s
administration. (The firm is Taft—yes That Taft from Ohio who ran for
President--- Stettinius & Hollister.)
Where did this
half million bucks come from..OK, from where did this money come? We
were told Kentucky had a very, very tight state budget, and now, up pops
all this money. Hope it wasn’t diverted from “widows and orphans.”
2. May I commend
two articles in Sunday’s Herald-Leader to you. One is the history (very
current history) of vote buying in Eastern Kentucky, by the Center for
Investigative Reporting---practically “torn from the front pages" tho
our local tv stations gave the latest (but not the last) federal trial
very little coverage.
Second is Paul
Prather’s religion column, headlined “Yes, it’s true: Evangelicals used
to be Christianity’s liberals.” (Gasp.) And it is true. Much food for
thought here, and in a second column to come later.
I have always
believed Jesus was one of history’s great rebels. (A revolutionary for
good.) And if you contrast his “platform” against that of the Roman
“party”, he certainly was the Liberal of his time.
Do read them both.
3. A lot has been
made in the media of the recent death of John McLaughlin, ex-Jesuit
priest and founder/host of the “McLaughlin Group” on PBS. Other than the
death of any person to his family and friends, I do not mourn his
passing. His was the MOST UNCIVIL discussion program of public issues on
the air, where discourtesy and impoliteness ruled..and trumped any
discussion of merits or non merits. I once asked KET to take it off the
air because it was contributing zero to public manners and understanding
of issues. Not a chance was the reply; it’s our most popular program.
(Says a lot about Kentucky, doesn’t it?)
4. Finally, just
as Kentucky says it may study reinstituting private prisons , the U.S.
announces it will no longer use them. Why? They don’t work. (And that’s
just one of several reasons I have in opposition, including that some
private prison officials have been charged with bribery in order to get
state contracts.)
The more things change,…..
I'm just sayin'...
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