Friday, June 22, 2012


While many UK students were on summer break, some hopefully with a summer job, 140 UK employees lost their jobs--permanently.
That UK had to cut staff was not surprising, given the years and years state legislators have devoted to cutting back on higher education. A budget is a statement of policy, .and each state budget reflects the views of House & Senate, Democrats & Republicans, legislators & to what is important, and what isn't.
Higher education lost---again.
Contrast that with pious statements of state officials that Kentucky's most important resource is its youth...(its undereducated youth, apparently).
This is due to a "no tax hike" approach. Or, more pragmatically put.."I won't vote to raise your taxes so you will vote for me next election."
And so we have..140  fired here (160 more jobs not filled.)
And--Social workers carrying 3 times the recommended case load, so babies fall thru the cracks and are shaken to death by ill-suited parents.
And--Inadequate roads, poorly maintained..with pot holes that cause accidents that cause deaths. (Too bad lawmakers can't be sued for indirectly causing deaths and injuries.)
And--Mental health staffing so bad an unattended man walks away--to his death.
And--More and more meth labs killing more and more people because there aren't enough police to find them all, quickly.
And--Not enough auditors so several sheriffs are on the take, buy votes, look the other way, or state agencies, even elected officials, spend what tax money there is illegally.
Is this really what Kentuckians want?
Maybe you will consider asking your local representative, during the fall campaign upcoming, "We need better  roads (or schools or health services). Will you vote for them?"  But: don't forget to add: ..".and I'm willing to pay more taxes to get them."
That's what it will take.
I'm just sayin'...

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