Saturday, June 27, 2020

THREE DISASTERS - Lexington, Tulsa And America

LEXINGTON--All was NOT well here election day. Walk in voting at our ONE precinct, Kroger Field, was really, really bad.  

First off, just ONE place to vote?  Madison County had 3, little Knox county 2, but somehow, our election board went with one. OK, they got so many mail-in requests they probably thought there wouldn't be so many in person. Wrong. With hindsight, the large number of requests probably showed heightened interest. 

Second problem: the place. That site at Kroger Field was too small, allowing for 4 check in stations, finally six were squeezed in. Since I voted by mail I am not familiar with that site, but in the vastness of the Field, a more spacious site was surely available. I am told the check in site was the real problem and we had enough polling stations. Maybe. Louisville had 350 at its one site.  Then there was the rain - brief but bad.  No provisions made for the line to get covered. No one thought about rain, apparently.  Nor, apparently was bottled water provided, as was done at so many other voting places when lines appeared.  I am surprised because we usually do take care of our neighbors better. Don't know that the totals will be affected, except for those who left, wet & thirsty(!) but all of this adds up to a disaster that should not have happened.

TULSA ---I watched Mr. Trump's speech in Tulsa and when he delivered the lines about how if we slowed down testing we wouldn't have so many virus cases. I decided that would be the topic of this blog.  But then the White House insisted it was all a joke, and a very, very senior Trump official reassured the media that it was all tongue-in-check. So I decided not to write about it. Then, a day or so later, The President, as he has done before, pulled the rug totally out from under his staff and the very senior official by insisting he really meant it.  DUH, Mr. President, duh.

AMERICA.  OK, since no one else will, I will. I hereby proclaim to all of you who have been worrying whether a "second wave" of virus cases would come, stop worrying. They have. They are here. All because too many states and cities jumped the gun; especially when the "word" from the White House was to favor business ('reopening') over health care. Friday, Florida  had NINE THOUSAND new cases. Texas, California, Arizona are not far behind. And the old "first wave" epicenter, New York has fewer new cases than almost anyone because of its more rigorous reopening.

The Second Wave is here and I just hope Dr.'s Birx and Fauci have the guts to say so, and soon. But since they haven't, I will:


I'm just sayin'...

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