Monday, November 9, 2015


1—The utter dependence of the major state media on polls, and the utter failure of those polls was never more clear than in Bevin’s win over Conway.
In recent weeks in Canada, polls got wrong the election of their Prime Minister (our President); in England polls got wrong the election of the new leader of their Labour Party (and possible future Prime Minister); in Poland polls got wrong the election of their new President.

And in Kentucky…

So the 4 major media outlets behind the Blue Grass poll thanked the polling firm, said “Goodbye” and we will now try to come up with something new (and  we pray that it will be better!) But they are still relying on polling despite the abysmal failure here.  Who was it who said something like “Insanity is to keep on doing the same thing and hoping for a different result?”

2---The grandfather of all modern political blogs is the old “Washington Merry-Go-Round” of Drew Pearson.  Mr. Pearson, a gentle Quaker, exposed the foibles of public officials, from minor to criminal. For newly elected office holders he gave them one free ride on his Merry-Go-Round for their first mistake.
In an interview with WUKY-FM I said I would do the same for Gov.-elect Bevin. It only took 24 hours.
Then, Mr. Bevin broke his promise, saying he wouldn’t release his tax returns after all.
That’s his free ride. Now, let’s wish him well as he struggles with the much tougher and more important problem of what to do with the needy people on Kynect.

I'm just sayin'... 

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