Sunday, May 4, 2014


Now that the Derby is over, the word from Louisville and Lexington TV stations is that the Silly Season will soon begin…that slew of TV political commercials.

Not that we haven’t had some up til now, but with the primary May 20th, last minute commercials from primary candidates will intensify, and there is advance word the candidates who seem like November contenders will be starting their commercials as well, and soon.

The PBS News Hour discussed that this week, and whether negative commercials work…the pros say Yes, but I am not so sure..and there is enough evidence that individual local races can be won by being positive to hardly make the negative approach a sure winner.

Mayor Jim Gray doesn’t think so. He began his re-election TV campaign this past week with a well done, very positive, one minute commercial. He used the time and approach to cite his achievements in office..which also gives his opponents topics to  challenge and contest…that is proper, and such rebuttals are not “negative.”

The Herald Leader has already endorsed the Mayor and former police chief Anthany Beatty in the primary, as I would. And from what I know of Chief Beatty I would expect his eventual  commercials to be in the same vein..positive, and citing his views on local issues.

I have a sneaking suspicion this November election will end up being a referendum on “growth” in general, and the future of Rupp Arena in particular..and that’s as it should be. We have two good men running here, and Lexington may well be cited later as to how  candidates for Mayor can run positive  campaigns, on the issues, in more than thirty seconds..and if so, we, Lexington, the political process, and American Democracy will all be winners.

I'm just sayin'...

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